Tips On Hosting A Screening

Film screenings have a unique ability to spark in-depth discussion and
positive action. Whether yours is to complement coursework or provide a
community forum, here are some tips to make it a success

Choose A Location: 

Pick a space that is easy for people to get to, can facilitate a post-screening discussion, and can play a DVD that can be seen and heard from all seats in the venue. Think about a school, community center, library, public amphitheater, or local cinema.

Pick A Date

Give yourself enough time to invite people and organize your screening. Avoid holidays and other scheduled events, and choose a day that is convenient for your intended audience. For example, Wednesday and Thursday evenings are often better for screenings on a college campus than weekends or Monday or Tuesday nights.

License Hard to Believe for public performance

A public screening license needs to be purchased for a modest fee for the necessary copyright permission to show it in a public setting. To get a license, please visit our store. If you need sponsorship, please fill out the form at the top.

Seek Screening Partners

Campus clubs, local or national organizations can help plan and support your screening, reach a broader network of people, assist with costs for the venue or refreshments, or provide an expert speaker or resources for a post-screening discussion.
The filmmakers and interviewees from Hard to Believe are also available to speak at events, in person, or via Skype. Please contact for further details.

Identify Your Audience

Try to identify specific audience groups to invite. These might be students, organ donations advocates, human rights or ethics organizations, or Chinese communities.

Download Event Materials

Event materials can be downloaded from our materials section here that you can personalize with your event details and print out or send digitally to your guests. These resources include press release templates, flyer and email templates, and more.

Reach Out to Media

Personalize a press release from our templates here and use it to invite journalists, bloggers, or personalities in your area to attend and/or report on your event.

Make it a Fundraiser

You can charge a set admission price or invite donations from your audience to support your organization or help offset the cost of the event. You can also sell Hard To Believe DVDs and merchandise.


For more tips and discussion questions, see the
"Hard To Believe" Study & Discussion Guide.


Held a screening already? Tell us how it went!