Chinese authorities

Sarah Westall Interview with Kay Rubacek: Former & Current Chinese Officials Explain What is to Come for the West

Sarah Westall Interview with Kay Rubacek: Former & Current Chinese Officials Explain What is to Come for the West

Director and Film Maker, Kay Rubacek rejoins Sarah Westall on her podcast to discuss the film “Finding Courage” and Kay's book based on the film “Who Are China’s Walking Dead?”

A Photo Smuggled out of China Reveals a Desperate Appeal

A Photo Smuggled out of China Reveals a Desperate Appeal

Here is an image we obtained in producing our latest film “Finding Courage” with quite a story to tell. It is of Yifei (the main character in our documentary) on Tiananmen Square in 2001 holding a banner to appeal to Chinese Communist authorities to stop the persecution of Falun Gong.