Epoch Times

Ian Kane, a filmmaker and author, reviews "Finding Courage" in The Epoch Times

Ian Kane, a filmmaker and author, reviews "Finding Courage" in The Epoch Times

Read the review HERE

"In the end, “Finding Courage” is not only an amazing real-life tale about the triumph of the human spirit in the face of enormous cruelty and evil, but it also serves as an exposé on the inherent problems of communism."

Cross Roads Host Joshua Philipp Discusses Kay Rubacek's New Book "Who Are China's Walking Dead?"

Cross Roads Host Joshua Philipp Discusses Kay Rubacek's New Book "Who Are China's Walking Dead?"

To gain deeper insights into the power struggles within the Chinese leadership, and the culture and thinking among its top leaders, Cross Roads spoke with Kay Rubacek of Swoop Films about her new book “Who Are China’s Walking Dead?”