Thank you for expressing interest in becoming an affiliate of Hard To Believe! This is a wonderful way to share the critically important message of Hard To Believe with your audience, while earning financial rewards along the way.

Our affiliate program enables you to earn 20% commission on all sales of:
• Digital Stream of Hard To Believe $3.99
• Digital Download of Hard To Believe $12.99

Our affiliate program is hosted through a third party called Gumroad. The process is simple and quick to set up.

STEP 1: Register

Create a free Gumroad account (it takes 2 minutes).
• Visit and create a new account
• You don’t need to publish, or sell anything – just visit your ‘My Account’ tab (top right) and ensure your ‘Settings’ are updated, including your payout details

STEP 2: Receive your unique affiliate links

Let us know that you’ve registered! E-mail Tim at to notify us you wish to be an affiliate and make sure you include the e-mail address used to create your Gumroad account.

We’ll then add you as an affiliate and you will receive an automated e-mail with your unique affiliate URL links. *(Check your spam folder, sometimes the automated e-mail gets sent there).

STEP 3: Embed and Share

With your unique URL links you are ready to go. You can embed your links on your website, use them in newsletters, blogs and feature them in social media. Every time your audience buys via your unique URL links, you earn commission.

You will receive a detailed guide showing you how to embed and use your links (it’s super simple) as well as all the e-mail support you need.

Here is a link to the Hard To Believe image you can add to your website or page to showcase Hard To Believe and embed the affiliate link.

STEP 4: earn commission

Every fortnight your affiliate commission is paid to your PayPal account. Simple!

If you have any questions, reach out to our affiliate manager Tim at  tim [at] to get started.

Affiliate sales are not currently available for physical DVDs, but if you are interested in purchasing wholesale DVDs for your own physical or online store contact us at tim [at]