“Hard To Believe” Film Submitted as Evidence of the $9 Billion Organ Harvesting Industry in China
Dear Friend,
You've heard about the allegations of forced organ harvesting in China through reports and via our documentary film "Hard To Believe.” We are relieved to give you an update that the Independent Tribunal Into Forced Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China, after 12 months of reviewing testimonies and thousands of pages of evidence, has come to its final verdict. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is to be held guilty for its crimes against humanity.
To watch a briefing of the tribunal, click on the link here
The hearings began last December in London with the statement by the tribunal's chair Sir Geoffrey Nice QC stating "the tribunal’s members are certain—unanimously, and sure beyond a reasonable doubt—that in China forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims."
Our film “Hard To Believe” had been used as evidence against the Chinese Communist Party in its brutal torture and killing of innocent civilians. Our first-hand reports, testimonies, and documents helped solidify the tribunal’s ruling.
The concluding statement given by Sir Geoffrey Nice was that “any who interact in any substantial way with the [CCP], including doctors, medical institutions, industry and businesses, most specifically airlines, travel companies, together with individual tourist, financial services, law firms, educational establishments, art establishments, should now recognize that they are, to the extent revealed in this judgement, interacting with a criminal state.”
Swoop Films producer, Kay Rubacek, attended the hearing and said of the verdict, “The international community cannot use excuses anymore to ignore this crime. I believe we will finally see big action taking place to ban transplant tourism to China from all countries, and legal action against any business or educational institution that is, and has been, supporting China to carry out this horrific crime.”
Help spread the word by hosting a screening of “Hard To Believe” in your area.
Viral Video from Fox 11 Highlights “Finding Courage” Stars Yifei Wang and her Family
Also, a revealing FOX 11 report on Yifei Wang and the persecution of Falun Gong went viral! Our next film in production, “Finding Courage,” was part of the groundbreaking story in bringing the issue of the persecution of Falun Gong into the mainstream media. Yifei’s story reached over 3.3 million people. The story covered in the FOX 11 report will be presented at the Republican National Committee next spring.
A fundraiser for our new film “Finding Courage” is running on Facebook. If you would like to donate to help in the production of the film, click below: This story is about a simple family that must find the courage to face a great evil.
Fundraiser link on Facebook below:
All the Best from the Swoop Films crew!